1841 Census

This index does not cover all of Scotland. See our coverage page to find out which areas are included.

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Enter the forename(s) in the first box, and the surname in the second box.

Remember that spellings in historical records can vary widely, so use wildcards to help you find your ancestors. See our search help page.

Less is often more! If you don't find the result you are looking for try leaving this box blank or see our search help page.

Remember that ages were not always recorded accurately in historical records. The 1841 census rounded the ages of most adults! See our search help page.

Enter a county name in the first box; and a country name in the second box.

Remember that the 1841 census did not record the county of birth if the person was born outside the county they lived in, so if you don't find the result you are looking for try leaving the county box blank.

Enter the address (a house or farm name, or a street) in the first box; a town/village or a parish name (but not both) in the second box; and a county name in the third box.

Remember that less is often more! If you don't find the result that you are looking for try leaving some (or all) of these boxes blank. See our search help page.